Hooded Towel
You will need:
Bath Towel
Hand Towel (NOT wash rag)
Sewing Machine
1. Fold your hand towel in half with the two "decorative" edges together and cut on the fold. You will then fold the half in half (again, your decorated edges should be touching), find the center and mark with a pin. Also, fold your bath towel in half (decorative edges touching) to find the center, and mark with a pin.
2. Line up both towels together with “right” sides (the side you want on the OUTISIDE once finished) together. This is why you placed a pin in each towel in step one, so you could easily find the center. Just line both pins up. Pin towels together, you will want the bath towel to stick out a bit further than the hand towel. Sew approximately 1/4" from the edge of the hand towel.
3. Turn over towel straighten the bath towel edge OVER the hand towel edge covering the raw edge. Sew along the finished edge of the bath towel to encase your raw edge. This will give you a nice edge.
4. Now you will turn your towel over so the “right” side is DOWN. Fold hand towel down, toward you, until the edges are touching. You are now going to sew each side together, once done you should start seeing the “hood”.
5. Turn towel over, “right” side up. Now you are going to fold the corners down to the edge of the “hood”. Sew along edges.
That’s it! You can add ribbon, appliqués, just about anything to add your own special touch to make these unique.