SUPER cute Dry Erase Board
What you will need:
Picture frame of your choice (I used a 12.5x12.5)
Scrapbook Paper (I used 3 pieces)
Mod Podge
Glue/Glue Stick
Take back off of frame and remove ALL inserts other than glass.
Make sure your bottom piece of paper will fit well in frame, you may need to trim just a bit.
Now we get to start the fun!
Piece your papers together however you want! I used 3 pieces and "glued" them together with Mod Podge.
I then added a few light layers of Mod Podge over the top of all papers.
Allow to dry
Add any embellishments you want
Once completely dry, place in frame then place back of frame back in place.
Flip frame over and marvel at how easy that was and how CUTE your new creation is!