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Weekend Wrap-up 5

This weekend was CUH-RAY-ZEE!!!

Friday we packed the car up, after doing half a mountain of laundry, picked Mads up from school then headed to Dallas.  We stopped about half way to stretch our legs, get some suckers, go potty, you know the normal things you do on a road trip.  Then we stopped once more in Sherman, Tx to get some dental floss (beef jerky emergency) and eat dinner.  We got back on the highway when we were finished and Hubs realized we needed gas.  We were on E!  Oh my word!  So we exit the highway and debate on Shell or Exon, they were both right beside each other.  Exon was better lit so we went there.  They were out of gas.  *sigh*  So over to Shell we go.  After talking to a guy at the pump next to us we learned most of the area was out of gas.  Totally weird!

After we got gas we were on our way again.  We made a few wrong turns, we stayed at my brothers house in Little Elm and all of the rapid growth has cause MAJOR road construction.  When we got there, both girls were wound up and excited to be out of the car, it was a long night!  lol

Saturday morning we got up, ate breakfast, visited for a bit, got ready then it was off to IKEA!  WooHoo!!  I could seriously live in that store!  After walking around the store day dreaming of making over my house with all the cool stuff in IKEA, I picked up a few things.  I ended up getting a bag dispenser for all of our plastic sacks, some kitchen storage containers for my pantry and a few other things.  We also had lunch while we were in the store.  I got my fix of meatballs with lingonberry sauce.  Yummmmm!!

After IKEA we headed over to my grandma's house in Dallas.  She is moving to a retirement community so we went to help get things packed up.  She already had most of it done but needed Hubby's help with a few things.  After dinner we sat around looking up some of her antiques.  It was SO much fun!  HAHA!  You should have seen it, all of us sitting around on our phones looking at pictures of antiques, gotta love technology.
This is a depression glass piece.  We found out it is worth about $170!
 This is a "Delft" Ice Cream plate, we have not been able to find a price on this.  If you have info please let me know!
 I don't remember what we decided this was but I think we figured it to be about $160!
 This creamer and sugar set has yet to be named as well.  I {think} it is more depression glass but am not sure.

Sunday we picked up the Uhaul then had breakfast.  We ate at Mecca, it's just a little hole-in-the-wall and SO good.
They are famous for many things but one of them is their HUGE cinnamon rolls!

We did NOT get this particular cinnamon roll!  HA!  But, Mads did order the smaller version for breakfast.  It was still huge!
Whoa!  That is bigger than her head!
She wasn't sure where to start!  lol
She had a lot of help from the rest of us and we still could not finish it!

After breakfast it was back to my grandma's house to load the Uhaul.  I took MG to potty and saw this....
Can you tell what that is?
She used little paint rollers to hold her toothbrushes up!  Genius!

Hubs had to be at work by 10:30pm so we left a bit before 1pm so he would have a little time to rest before work.  We went through Frisco and Prosper to show Mads where I used to live and work, she was asleep......of course.  It is amazing to see how much Frisco has changed in the 12 years since I have lived there.  I mean most of the time you can live somewhere for 12 years and only a few things change, like where I live now.  The growth just amazes me!  When we lived in Frisco there were 33,714, there are now  over 116,000!  Prosper really has not change a lot.  There are new housing additions and a ginormous new high school.  But other than that, nothing has changed a whole lot.
Entering downtown Prosper, Tx
New Prosper HS!  It was UNREAL!  There were even more buildings in the back.  It was seriously huge.  It is bigger than where I went to college!  HAHA!  Crazy!

 We stopped in Sherman again for gas, this time at a different Exon (that had gas).  They also sold Kerosine and Propane right at the gas pumps!  I have never seen that before and thought it was kind of weird!

We made a few more stops and got home around 8:45pm.  It was a great weekend and I am ready to go back.  I miss Texas so much, amazing how living in a place for a short period of time can have such an impact on you.  I doubt we will ever move there, Hubby can't stand all the people and the massive amounts of traffic.  But, it isn't far so visiting is easy....when we have the time.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are having a great week so far!  Can you believe it is already MAY?

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