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What a month!

Here we are, July 3rd....already!  Where did this month go?  

HAHA!  Obviously it JUST started has already been a long one.

Before I go any further I want to give a shout out to my oldest of my little brothers.....Blake!
Circa 1980-something...sorry for the blurry-ness
Today is HIS birthday!  WooHoo!!
Our little family

We love you Blakey and hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

Ok, now on to why it has been a LONG month.....already.

So, last week I noticed a hole in one of Mads teeth.  Fantastic.  I made a quick call to the dentist and got an appointment ASAP!  I also made an appointment for MG at the same time just to get her checked out......a lot of money later and.....

She needs a root canal.  Awesome.  Ugh!  But, we aren't real sure they will be able to do one since the tooth is still fairly newish and her being so young the roots may not have closed yet.  The things you learn when calling doctors/dentists.

So instead of a root canal they may do this thing called Calcium Hydroxide Treatments.  Yeah, have no idea what it is or why it is done but, they do it when the roots aren't closed.  BUT, she may just need to get it filled.

All in all...we just aren't sure yet.  I do know when I close my eyes, all I see is.....$$$$$.

So, when do we go in for this treatment, or not, may just be nothing, who knows?


In just a few hours.

Please keep her in your prayers that she will not feel the pain and everything will go smoothly and she recovers just fine.  Everyone keeps telling me it will be OK and she won't feel anything.  People!  I have had root canals done feel something and that something does NOT feel good!  Add me to your prayers as well, that I will stop freaking out inside.

As for MGs checkup?
Waiting at the dentist
It went great.....sort of.....

She has no cavities!  Which is GREAT!

But....she bit the dentist.

I am not surprised though, if you knew this child (no, really knew her...not just see her every now and then), you would not be surprised either.  She is a little stinker!  But a darn cute stinker!

Oh, see that little spot on her cheek?  Remember the rash and diarrhea (sorry, I know that is SO beyond gross) episode we went through last year?  Well, the rash never went away and we still have no clue what is causing it.

We go to the derm about that next week.

What else am I doing this month?  Well, someone put me in charge of 35 bloggers for a campaign over at Cbias!  I know, who would do that?  Right?!?  I can read your mind!  But, it is FUN and a lot of hard work and...I am LOVING it!  I will tell you more about it in a few days...once I have a second to actually think.

So, for right now...that is my month.  At any given time it can change, and I am sure it will.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL week and a safe 4th.

Much Love,


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