As some of you know, I started my weight-loss journey in October. I have lost ALMOST 20 pounds so far!!! I am SO excited about that!! I have not eliminated anything from my diet, I am just smarter about the foods I eat. I eat a LOT more fruits and veggies now and watch my portions carefully.
One of my FAVORITE things to have for a healthy lunch is a giant salad. I started off making them myself. I would toss in a few pieces of chicken or ham, lots of veggies and a low fat salad dressing. Then, around November (it may have been early December), I discovered the Lean Cuisine Salad Additions.
Oh! My! Gosh!
My boring salad days were so OVER! I am not even kidding you! They came out with four varieties, Bistro Chicken, Asian, Cranberry Chicken and a Southwest. I actually first learned about them from my friend Lyndsey on Instagram, she also LOVES them.
I have tried all four varieties but prefer the Asian and Cranberry Chicken over the others. I don't know what it is that is in the Bistro Chicken or Southwest, I am thinking it is one of the spices, but it does NOT agree with my tummy. But, my tummy is pretty sensitive to begin with.
The Salad Additions are on Rollback right now at my Walmart for just $2.50, there is a coupon for $0.75/1. That makes them a steal at just $1.75 each! The kit includes everything you need, except the fresh lettuce, to make an amazing salad. You can find them in the frozen aisle with all the other yummy Lean Cuisine meals.
I decided to do a taste test. I already knew the Lean Cuisine salads were great, my mission was to get the same ingredients and try to make the salad myself. First, Barley. I could not find barley anywhere in my local Walmart. So, I purchased chopped Walnuts instead. Second, Crunchy Sesame Crackers. Yeah, could not find those either. Third, Yellow Carrots. I even need to say it? HA!
So, here is my version...
and here is the Lean Cuisine version....
While my version tasted great, it was not as good as the Lean Cuisine version. Plus, it cost a TON more to purchase everything individually than to just pick up a Lean Cuisine Salad Additions. Then, there is the whole convenience issue. You don't have to wash and chop ingredients for 10 minutes, you just pop them in the microwave and you are set in under 3 minutes!
The one and ONLY thing that I don't really care for is the veggies being hot. Inside your kit are 3 pouches, one is the dressing, one is the crunchy bits (they are different for each kit) and the other are the veggies/chicken. It is just a total texture issue for me, they taste absolutely fine. I now let my veggie/chicken pouch cool for a bit longer before putting my salad together. It really is no big deal. If you are STARVING and just can not wait for them to cool down, the heat will NOT make your lettuce soggy.....if you were wondering. :)
I know I have had a lot of friends that have been on the fence about trying these. Well, it's time to hop off that fence and go pick up a few! You will not regret the decision!
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