Yeah, yeah...I know we are already ALMOST at another weekend and I am just now posting this. It is the end of the school year which means, we have been BEYOND busy! Please forgive me.
Last weekend was tiring...if I had to sum it up in one word. lol Most of it is just a big blur to me.
Thursday we packed up and drove to Springfield to go to Kmart. Yep, 2 hours away just to go to Kmart. BUT! It was for good reason! Did you see my patio makeover?!?!
Friday I don't even remember what we did. I know Hubs worked that night, I think I made banana bread and I know the girls and I did something but for the life of me can't remember right now what it was. This is why I should not wait so long to write my weekend wrap-up post! HA!
Saturday was spent making Strawberry Pie, Texas Sheet Cake Cupcakes (review coming soon) and editing pics. Saturday morning the girls and I got up and had breakfast with my SIL, MIL and niece. Saturday was my nieces last Prom. Awwww.... That afternoon we met up again and I took some pics...

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!?!
After we took a few shots it was time for her to go eat dinner. At that point my girls stayed with MIL and SIL, and hubby and I ran home, grabbed the pies, cupcakes and banana bread and dropped them off at the church then headed back to SIL's house. Then, we all went out to eat. It was a LOT of fun. After dinner we went back to SIL's house and waited for A and her date to get back from dinner so we could head to the walk-in. We did not have this where I graduated from and I guess it is fairly new here because hubby did not do it when he was in school but.... the kids enter prom on a red carpet! Almost literally. They all line up (well mostly just stand around until they are good and ready to go inside) and hand their ticket to some guy (guessing he was the principal or something). He then reads their names, all the parents, family members, friends, etc, ohhh and awww and clap and snap pictures as they walk into prom. It is really pretty cool. Plus, you get to see all of the amazingly beautiful dresses (my favorite part).
This is 1/3 of the "paparazzi". A lot of happy mama's.
These were some of my favorite dresses, it was really hard to get pics as the kids did not stay in one place for too long and started getting dark.

After we watched all of the kids was time to go home. It did NOT take long for all of us to fall asleep. lol
Sunday I edited MORE pics, Hubby and the girls cooked me breakfast (we ate outside) and the rest of the day was spent doing NOTHING. Just relaxing. We did drive around looking at fences for a bit. The things you do to prove your point to your husband. lol Then we picked some lettuce, peas and onions at Mads school garden, came home and grilled. It was a great Mother's day!
Another GREAT weekend under our belts! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and are having an amazing week. This weekend is another CrAzY one for us! We have graduations, graduation parties, birthday's (mine WOOHOO) and Saturday night I am going to a Tulsa Shock game! AWESOME!
My cousin Lisa (the one on the left) is being honored as the Teacher of the Game! We are all VERY excited for her and she is seriously SO deserving of this honor! Congrats, Lisa! Go Shock!